©2024 Norma Libman Website design by gwpriester
Lonely River Village — A Novel of Secret Stories In pre-Communist China women in the small villages of Hunan Province developed their own secret writing system. They used this script to communicate with each other because they were not allowed to go to school and learn Mandarin. Their script is called Nu Shu, which means women’s writing. It was usually sewn into household linens as decoration, in order to disguise its true purpose. This is the story of the women of one of those little villages, adapted from actual Nu Shu writing preserved from this era. “In Lonely River Village Norma Libman gives voice to the once silenced generations of Chinese women who were not allowed to write or speak freely. She honors those women and the reader by allowing the women’s words to speak for themselves through a heartfelt and at times heartbreaking narrative of the probable lives of the women who created Nu Shu, a secret women’s language. What was once forbidden has now been given the respect and honor it deserves. Thanks to Ms. Libman, the legacy of the women who wrote the Nu Shu, quite literally through blood and tears, will not be forgotten.” Jacqueline L. Tobin, co-author Hidden in Plain View, co-author The Tao of Women, author From Midnight to Dawn “Norma Libman has woven a story as beautiful as the Hunan Province Nu Shu decorative writings she brings to light. And to think that knowledge of the secret women’s writing, Nu Shu, was almost lost forever – a most gratifying read about a most fascinating way of life.” Gabe Galambos, author The Nation by the River, Stealing Pikes Peak Lonely River Village — A Novel of Secret Stories 174 Pages — ISBN 978-0-9914775-0-0 $14.00 Available in paperback now on Amazon.com And in Kindle on Amazon.com Kindle
Awards —First Place— First Place Adult Fiction National Federation of Press Women First Place Adult Novel New Mexico Press Women Finalist New Mexico /Arizona Book Awards Historical Novel Finalist New Mexico /Arizona Book Awards First Novel First Place Novel Award SouthwestWriters
Hannah's Day at School tells the true story of how Norma's grandmother learned to read at a time and place where girls were not allowed to go to school. This book, illustrated by Vera Padilla, Norma's first children's book, is for ages five to ten. Author Norma Libman accomplishes two goals with her book, Hannah's Day at School. She writes a touching tribute to her own grandmother, Chaiki, and she leaves her legacy to children of the Twenty-First Century. Today's children may not realize that there once was a time when many children, sadly mostly girls, were not taught to read. This true story of Hannah's persistence in her goal of reading can inspire the dreams of a whole new generation of children. Charming illustrations by Vera Padilla provide compelling visual interest to the book. Mary E. Carter, author, I, Sarah Steinway, A Non-Swimmer Considers Her Mikvah, and Electronic Highway Robbery. Hannah’s Day at School Paperback: 36 pages — ISBN-13: 978-1724779595 $10.00 Available on Amazon.com TOP OF PAGE
Just Released! The Story of the Story What I Wrote and Why The Story of the Story is a book about writing, for people who write and people who read. Norma Libman reveals the secrets behind many of the 500- plus stories she worked on during her life as a journalist, and explores the forces that brought her to writing as a career. Then she sets out a plan for telling your own story.
"Freelance journalist, Norma Libman, has an ear and voice for strong women that captivates the reader. She enlivens the stories of Chinese ladies who invented a secret language with which to sew and weave their woes into cloth, of disgraced mothers forced to give birth behind bars, of pioneer women writing through the haze of exhaustion, of Crypto-Jewish women preserving their religion in secret through 500 years of exile, and more. As Ms. Libman unfolds their tales, she discovers and tells her own story in simple, eloquent, strong language." —Lois Ruby, Author Steal Away Home and This Old Man "Reading Norma Libman's The Story of the Story is like joining a friend in conversation. You'll meet her memories and soon feel like they are your own. Her warm and engaging discussion flows so easily that the reader is immediately comfortable . . . eased into new subjects by Libman's uncommonly graceful prose." —Richard E. Peck, President Emeritus, University of New Mexico Author Something for Joey and Traveling at My Desk
The Story of the Story - What I Wrote and Why 162 Pages — ISBN 978-0-9914775-2-4 $14.00 Available in paperback now on Amazon.com Available on Kindle
—First Place— Memoir New Mexico Press Women
Finalist New Mexico /Arizona Book Awards
Click below to see a short video about the secret writing of NU SHU
Lonely River Village — A Novel of Secret Stories In pre-Communist China women in the small villages of Hunan Province developed their own secret writing system. They used this script to communicate with each other because they were not allowed to go to school and learn Mandarin. Their script is called Nu Shu, which means women’s writing. It was usually sewn into household linens as decoration, in order to disguise its true purpose. This is the story of the women of one of those little villages, adapted from actual Nu Shu writing preserved from this era. “In Lonely River Village Norma Libman gives voice to the once silenced generations of Chinese women who were not allowed to write or speak freely. She honors those women and the reader by allowing the women’s words to speak for themselves through a heartfelt and at times heartbreaking narrative of the probable lives of the women who created Nu Shu, a secret women’s language. What was once forbidden has now been given the respect and honor it deserves. Thanks to Ms. Libman, the legacy of the women who wrote the Nu Shu, quite literally through blood and tears, will not be forgotten.” Jacqueline L. Tobin, co-author Hidden in Plain View, co-author The Tao of Women, author From Midnight to Dawn “Norma Libman has woven a story as beautiful as the Hunan Province Nu Shu decorative writings she brings to light. And to think that knowledge of the secret women’s writing, Nu Shu, was almost lost forever – a most gratifying read about a most fascinating way of life.” Gabe Galambos, author The Nation by the River, Stealing Pikes Peak Lonely River Village A Novel of Secret Stories First Prize Winner Southwest Writers Novel Award - 2013 174 Pages — ISBN 978-0-9914775-0-0 $14.00 Available in paperback now on Amazon.com And in Kindle on Amazon.com Kindle
Awards —First Place— First Place Adult Fiction National Federation of Press Women First Place Adult Novel New Mexico Press Women Finalist New Mexico /Arizona Book Awards Historical Novel Finalist New Mexico /Arizona Book Awards First Novel First Place Novel Award SouthwestWriters
©2024 Norma Libman Website design gwpriester
Hannah's Day at School tells the true story of how Norma's grandmother learned to read at a time and place where girls were not allowed to go to school. This book, illustrated by Vera Padilla, Norma's first children's book, is for ages five to ten. Author Norma Libman accomplishes two goals with her book, Hannah's Day at School. She writes a touching tribute to her own grandmother, Chaiki, and she leaves her legacy to children of the Twenty-First Century. Today's children may not realize that there once was a time when many children, sadly mostly girls, were not taught to read. This true story of Hannah's persistence in her goal of reading can inspire the dreams of a whole new generation of children. Charming illustrations by Vera Padilla provide compelling visual interest to the book. Mary E. Carter, author, I, Sarah Steinway, A Non-Swimmer Considers Her Mikvah, and Electronic Highway Robbery. Hannah’s Day at School Paperback: 36 pages — ISBN-13: 978- 1724779595 $10.00 Available on Amazon.com TOP OF PAGE
NEW: The Story of the Story What I Wrote and Why
The Story of the Story is a book about writing, for people who write and people who read. Norma Libman reveals the secrets behind many of the 500-plus stories she worked on during her life as a journalist, and explores the forces that brought her to writing as a career. Then she sets out a plan for telling your own story. "Freelance journalist, Norma Libman, has an ear and voice for strong women that captivates the reader. She enlivens the stories of Chinese ladies who invented a secret language with which to sew and weave their woes into cloth, of disgraced mothers forced to give birth behind bars, of pioneer women writing through the haze of exhaustion, of Crypto-Jewish women preserving their religion in secret through 500 years of exile, and more. As Ms. Libman unfolds their tales, she discovers and tells her own story in simple, eloquent, strong language." —Lois Ruby, Author Steal Away Home and This Old Man "Reading Norma Libman's The Story of the Story is like joining a friend in conversation. You'll meet her memories and soon feel like they are your own. Her warm and engaging discussion flows so easily that the reader is immediately comfortable . . . eased into new subjects by Libman's uncommonly graceful prose." —Richard E. Peck, President Emeritus, University of New Mexico Author Something for Joey and Traveling at My Desk The Story of the Story -What I Wrote and Why 162 Pages — ISBN 978-0-9914775-2-4 $14.00 Available in paperback now on Amazon.com Available on Kindle
—First Place— Memoir New Mexico Press Women
—Finalist—New Mexico /Arizona Book Awards